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Moot 2018

"Dear friends and colleagues, the 25th edition of Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot has finished but the feeling of happiness and pride has not. One month ago, we landed in Vienna to take part of this prestigious competition. From different backgrounds we came together as a team to honour the University of Burgundy. After long hours, hard work, we became a team in the truest sense. We learned a lot about team spirit and about ourselves.

Unfortunately our team didn’t make it to final rounds. During this contest, the team has shown an honourable level of performance. In four rounds against the teams of of Universidad Panamericana de Aguas-Calientes from Mexico, University of Florida from USA , University of Amsterdam from Netherlands and University of Turku from Finland our team pleaded and shown strength of character ,rigor and conviction.

We are proud of our work for the entire experience. Our sincere gratitude is adressed to our coaches Mrs Clothilde Fortier and Mr Sébastien Manciaux for their assistance and their precious advices during the preparations for the competition. We want to congratulate as well all the team members ; Mr Isaac Arnoud, Mrs Daria Buch, Mr Guillaume Racle, Mrs Louise Sorlin, Mr Omar Al Farouk Touati and Mr Aurélien Weickert.

Nevertheless we wish the next team will try next year on the 26th edition of the competition to make the desired result.

Thank you"

Moot Vienne 3 2018
















Team 2018

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